Project Management Adviser with Ukrainian-language skills

Natalia Pylypiuk natalia.pylypiuk at UALBERTA.CA
Sun Jun 18 23:16:25 UTC 2000

Dear Colleagues and Students,

Kindly advertise the following to all potential candidates. Please
direct inquiries to Mr. Roger Roy (Commonwealth of Learning);
see address below.

Na vse dobre,
Natalia Pylypiuk, President
Canadian Association of Slavists


>From: Roger Roy <roy at>
>Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 11:43:47 -0700
>I appreciate your help in advertising our
>requirement for a distance  learning specialist with some fluency in
>Unfortnately we are on an extremely tight schedule, and we would need to
>hear back from your colleagues by Thursday, June 22nd so we can complete our
>project submission.
>The Project Management Adviser (PMA) position for Ukraine calls for an
>experienced specialist in the field of distance learning and management to
>set up a Distance Learning Center in Kiev in cooperation with the Ukrainian
>Director of the new Center. The PMA will help manage the establishment and
>operation of the new center, provide leadership and guidance to a small
>staff and assist in developing a business plan and operationalize the plan
>with Center staff to achieve financial and legal self-sustainability.
>Specific responsibilities include the developing of a reliable system to
>ensure that clients' training needs are met, the establishing of a
>monitoring and evaluation system to assess the quality of Center services,
>liaison with government officials nationally and internationally as well as
>the private sector, helping to develp a professional marketing and promotion
>program for the Center to achieve financial self-sufficiency over time,
>developing a proper transparent reporting system for Center donors, and to
>assisting in the development of fundraising initiatives for the Center and
>for future distance learning facilities elsewhere in Ukraine.
>The ideal candidate will have at least five years of experience in the field
>of distance learning, ideally in a management capacity, a working knowledge
>of communications technology, good communications, interpersonal and
>team-membership skills and an ability to work in a challenging environment
>(previous experience in Ukraine or Eastern/Central Europe would be
>preferable), and some Ukranian language capability is very desirable.
>The terms of the Consultancy are such that the PMA will be required for
>varying periods over a year at least, and lengths of stay in the Ukraine
>will likely vary from several weeks to several months at a time, depending
>on project needs. The assignment would commence as quickly as possible.
>Thanks for your help.
>With best regards,
>Roger F. Roy
>Principal, International Partnerships
>COL International
>Tel 604-775-8223
>roy at

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