ISPs in Russia and elsewhere

Mark Konecny konecny at USC.EDU
Wed Jun 21 15:59:55 UTC 2000

Dear Seelangers,

I have an interesting problem that the list may be able to solve for me. A
friend of mine based in the Netherlands travels frequently to the US, the
Pacific and to Russia, and she would like to remain in email contact. She
is currently with Compuserve, which was, until recently, ideal because of
local dialup nodes everywhere. Compuserve has discontinued local dialup
access in much of Eastern Europe including Moscow making email a very
expensive proposition. My questions are as follows:
Are there isps which provide worldwide local dialups including Moscow/SP?
Is there a web-retrieval system from which you could access existing email
accounts at a cyber cafe or library?
Is there a simple way to telnet to the compuserve account? I'm afraid if
the process is elaborate she will not do it.
Are there any alternatives to the scenario which I have described? I'm sure
someone has an elegant means of dealing with this inconvenience.

Thanks, Mark

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