Job "au pair"

Adassovsky Georges gadassov at WANADOO.FR
Sun Jun 25 23:41:38 UTC 2000

Dear sealangtsy!

Please pass this information around:
I am looking for a Russian woman willing to stay a month in France, 15
July/15 August, to help taking care for my  grand-children whose mother
recently deceased.
I offer an independent room, all family meals, 3000 French Francs.
Mediterranean seaside.
Possibility (or not) for a further longer stay in Paris, same purpose.

Communicate in Russian, French or English to:

Georges Adassovsky
521 rue des anciens chantiers
11210 Port la Nouvelle

Tel/fax 33 (0) 4 68 48 58 74
E-mail:  gadassov at


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