Sholokhov: Quiet Don

Kevin Windle Kevin.Windle at ANU.EDU.AU
Mon Jun 26 01:17:08 UTC 2000

>I am wondering if the debate around the authorship of "The Quiet Don"
>has been settled or not. I am aware of the studies undertaken by Geir
>Kjetsaa (author = M. Sholokhov), H. Ermolaev, R. Medvedev, A.
>Solzhenitsyn (author = F. Krjukov) and M. Anikin (author = A.
>Any help will be appreciated.
>Ulrich Schmid

The following two items - from opposing positions - may be of interest:

Feliks Kuznetsov, 'Kniga veka: rukopis' Tikhogo Dona naidena i spasena,'
Moskva, 1/2000, pp. 161-170.

'K voprosu ob avtorstve Tikhogo Dona,' (a letter to the Nobel Prize
Committee from A. Gerburt-Iogansen), Kontinent, No. 44, 1985, pp. 303-308.

Hope this helps,
Kevin Windle

Dr Kevin Windle,
Dept. of Classical and Modern European Languages,
Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 0200
Tel. (02) 6249 2885; Fax (02) 6249 3252

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