Graduate fellowships to study Russian in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Vladimir

Gabriel Coleman Coleman at ACTR.ORG
Fri Dec 7 18:49:43 UTC 2001

Fellowships for Graduate Students to Study Russian in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Vladimir

Graduate students are eligible for Title VIII State Department fellowships to study Russian language in Moscow and St. Petersburg on the American Councils for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS semester, academic year and summer programs. Awards range from two to ten thousand dollars; they are made on the basis of need and merit.

The American Councils for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS has administered intensive Russian language study programs in immersion settings for American undergraduates and graduate students since 1976, serving more than three thousand students and faculty. The Russian Language and Area Studies Program provides approximately twenty hours per week of in-class instruction in Russian grammar, phonetics, conversation, and cultural studies at Moscow International University, Moscow State University, and the Russian State Pedagogical University (Gertsen Institute) in St. Petersburg. All classes are conducted in Russian by regular members of university faculty. 

A full-time resident director oversees the academic and cultural programs and assists participants in academic, administrative, and personal matters. Students may live with Russian host families or in university dormitories. Full time home-stay coordinators in each city arrange host family placements and assist participants with host family issues. During the academic year, students may participate in unpaid internships at local public schools, charities, and international businesses, depending on language level and other relevant schools. 

Academic Year students may choose to conduct independent research during the spring semester. Students are assigned a specialist from their Russian university faculty to oversee their research projects.

Participants are registered for academic credit at Bryn Mawr College. Graduate students receive the equivalent of 15 academic hours for one semester; 30 for the academic year, and 10 for the summer program. Undergraduates students receive the equivalent of 16 academic hours for one semester, 32 for the academic year, and 8 for the summer program.

Application Deadlines: Spring Semester: October 15; Fall/Academic Year Program: April 1; Summer Program, March 1.

For more information and an application contact: 

Outbound Programs
American Councils for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS
1776 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Suite 700
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 833-7522
outbound at 

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