Remizov Edition

Adrian Wanner ajw3 at PSU.EDU
Tue Dec 11 20:01:45 UTC 2001

I have a bibliographical query about the 8 volume edition of Aleksei
Remizov's works ("Sochineniia"), which was published in 1910-12 in
St. Petersburg.  Who is the publisher, Shipovnik or Sirin?
The available information from library catalogues is conflicting.
Harvard lists Sirin as the publisher, Columbia lists Shipovnik. To
complicate things, the World Cat refers to the edition in the
Columbia library with Sirin as the publisher.  According to Helene's
Sinany's bibliography of Remizov's works, the first seven volumes
were published by Shipovnik and the last one by Sirin.  However, this
is directly contradicted by the Library of Congress catalogue, which
states that Sirin is the publisher, but adds "Vol. 8 has imprint Izd.
Our own library at Penn State has the Fink reprint edition of the
first five volumes.  Volumes 1-2 and 4-5 have the imprint
"Shipovnik," volume 3 has "Sirin."
As a result, I am totally confused.
Is there anybody out there who could explain this mystery?
Adrian Wanner
Adrian J. Wanner
Associate Professor of Russian and Comparative Literature
Head, Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures
The Pennsylvania State University
313 Burrowes Building
University Park, PA 16802

Tel. (814) 865-5481 (o),  (814) 234-1289 (h)
Fax  (814) 863-8882

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