Russia and environment course?

David J. Galloway dgallowa at TWCNY.RR.COM
Thu Dec 13 15:26:06 UTC 2001

Dear Seelangers,

Our program is considering offering a course on Russia and the Environment,
to be team taught by a member in Economics and in Language/Culture.  Our
college has a large Environmental Studies program, and a course like this
which would satisfy an elective in ES would be helpful in increasing our
student base.
What resources could you suggest for texts, films (
feature/documentary/other), and anything
else as materials for such a course?  We're looking for a good mix of
materials which focuses on the 20th century (and the attendant ecological
disasters), and avoids over-reliance on 19th century texts more suitable for
courses on "Russia and Nature."  Our goal would be to introduce students to
the array of environmental issues in Soviet and post-Soviet realities, both
infamous (Chernobyl) and relatively unknown.

I would be happy to provide all interested with a summary of suggestions.



David J. Galloway
Assistant Professor of Russian
Department of Modern Languages
Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Geneva, NY 14456-3397
Phone:  (315) 781-3790
Fax:  (315) 781-3822
Email:  galloway at
(Alt-email dgallowa at

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