Cyrillic for email, etc on Macs

Kjetil Rå Hauge K.R.Hauge at EAST.UIO.NO
Sat Dec 29 10:17:51 UTC 2001

>I have some web pages that I would like to open in a
>word processor. The web pages seem to be in KOI-8. I would like to open
>them in Word (or something else) in order to change margins etc.
Recent incarnations of Word (98 and 2001 on the Mac platform) are
able to open web pages directly. Select "Show source" in your
browser, save the result as a text file, and open it.

You can also select the text in the browser (Explorer only; possibly
Netscape 6, haven't tried), copy it, and paste it into Word (works
with a couple of other word processors as well). Even if the text is
encoded as KOI-8, it will then turn out in Mac Cyrillic on the Mac,
and it should work in a similar way under Windows.
-- Kjetil Rå Hauge, U. of Oslo. Phone +47/22856710, fax +47/22854140
-- (this msg sent from home, +47/67148424, fax +1/5084372444)

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