Baltic Summer Studies Institute Fellowships

Jonathan Z. Ludwig ludwig1 at UX1.CSO.UIUC.EDU
Mon May 6 15:50:44 UTC 2002

The Department of Slavic Languages and Literature and the Russian and East
European Center at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, will host
the 9th Annual Baltic Studies Summer Institute from June 10 to August 2,

We now have additional fellowships for qualified students. The fellowship
is for tuition and fee waiver only. Applicants for the fellowships must be
US citizens or permanent residents. To apply for the program and the
fellowship, just complete the BALSSI Information Sheet at:

For full consideration, please apply by no later than May 22, 2002.

BALSSI courses include Intensive Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian, and
Baltic History and Culture. Language courses will be geared toward
beginning students, but more advanced students can enroll and will get
individualized program of study.

For more information or for application contact:

University of Illinois
104 International Studies Building
910 S. Fifth Street
Champaign, IL 61820
e-mail: reec at

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