Fwd: Hopefully, a new good Russian link

Jolanta M. Davis jmdavis at FAS.HARVARD.EDU
Mon May 6 18:26:46 UTC 2002

FYI, this may be of interest to some of you.
Please contact Nadine Chernenko for the attachment directly, if you want to
see it.

>From: "Nadine Chernenko" <nadinecompass at mail.ru>
>To: <newsnet at fas.harvard.edu>
>Subject: Hopefully, a new good Russian link
>Date: Mon, 6 May 2002 16:57:56 +0400
>X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2417.2000
>>130 K. Marx St.
>>424000 Yoshkar-Ola,
>>Mari El, Russia
>>Tel/fax: (007-8362) 129-877.
>>May, 5, 2002
>>To Whom It May Concern:
>>Dear Sir/Madam,
>>We are a Russian regional public organization that is located in the
>>geographical heart of the country, in the middle Russia, 800-km northeast
>>from Moscow. We are situated in the town of Yoshkar-Ola, the capital of
>>Mari El republic, one of the most picturesque and environmentally clean
>>Russian areas.
>>As a registered public organization that unites teachers, sociologists,
>>research workers and students we work in close connection with all local
>>higher institutions and we specialize in various kinds of cross-cultural,
>>exchange and educational projects. Our present foreign partners are
>>basically non-governmental or civil service organizations.
>>Those who come over as our language or exchange students or volunteers
>>for our summer work camps say they eventually can get to know real Russia
>>that is special and quite different from Moscow or St. Petersburg where
>>it feels a lot like in any other cosmopolitan capital city. This is one
>>of the most frequently expressed ideas that always runs all through our
>>feedback sessions.
>> From our contacts with the staff of the foreign higher institutions,
>> language schools or colleges with Russian or East European departments
>> we could conclude that even though they do work closely with the leading
>> Russian language institutions it does feel as a loss not to have a
>> chance to offer their students the experience of immersing into social
>> and cultural realities of a remote Russian area.
>>This summer we are expanding the number of our international work camps
>>and we are happy to offer you and your Russian students who are committed
>>to go deeper into the country to get to know it from within to join our
>>summer project. Apart from the joy of exploring the Russian province it's
>>also a great and most inexpensive opportunity to master the language and
>>make lots of new friends.
>>If you are interested in this kind of joint activity, please, see the
>>attachment with the brief description of the camps. Please, feel free to
>>ask or suggest away if any questions or ideas arise.
>>We do hope for our future cooperation and we will be looking forward to
>>hearing from you soon.
>>Very sincerely,
>>Nadja Chernenko,
>>Executive Manager,
>>Coordinator of the camp project.

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