Introduction - Welcome

Juergen Alatortceff foreign at APK-INFORM.COM.UA
Tue May 7 10:03:47 UTC 2002

Welcome to the group!

Anna Plisetskaya wrote:

> Hello everybody!
> Let me introduce myself. My name is Anna Plisestskaya, and I am a teacher
> from Moscow, Russia. I am Ph.D. in Russian Philology, and my current
> activities include not only teaching Russian and English but also
> translating from English into Russian.
> It would be wonferful to exchange experience with colleagues!
> Sincerely Yours,
> Anna
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Best regards,
**************  APK-INFORM INFORMATION AGENCY  *******
Juergen Alatortceff,          company: foreign at
International Projects        private: ukiechief at
IA APK-Inform       

Telephone : 380 44 221 93 74
  Tel/fax  : 380 44 228 35 60
   Cell    : 380 67 630 59 43

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