Pushkin Collection, UW-Wisconsin

Gideon Stanton gtstanton at STUDENTS.WISC.EDU
Tue May 7 14:46:20 UTC 2002

Dear Colegues,
The Pushkin Center of the UW-Madison Department of Slavic Languages is
pleased to announce that the holdings of the Pushkin Center Collection can
now be searched on the web at http://webcat.library.wisc.edu:3106/. The
Pushkin Collection, which was begun by Prof. Emeritus J. Thomas Shaw,
contains over 8000 works of secondary literature on Alexander Pushkin as
well as numerous translations and rare editions of the poet's work. More
information about the Pushkin Center is on our website, which can also be
accessed from the above site:
One of the advantages of this database is that if offers scholars unusually
in-depth keyword searches.
The holdings of the library are continually expanding and new items are
constantly being catalogued. Unfortunately, newly catalogued data takes
about a month to be uploaded. If certain items are not found on this site
visitors can contact the curators to inquire about items that may have only
recently been catalogued.
Of course, we are also interested in any corrections or suggestions that you
may have concerning our web-based search or the Pushkin Center home page.
Thank You,
The Curators

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