job announcement at Chicago high school

Michael Denner mdenner at STETSON.EDU
Tue May 7 16:55:35 UTC 2002

Dear SEELANGers,

A further note on the high school position: I've been complicatedly involved
with the Noble Street Charter High, know the principal at the school, and
have observed classes there. The school is spectacular in every way --
absolutely first rate teachers, programs, and innovations at every level.
Although it's relatively new, it's widely considered one of the most
prestigious and dynamic schools in Chicago.

Their experiment has the potential to be an outstanding contribution to
these students' education and to our field: The students will be exposed to
another, very different and challenging culture, and will graduate with a
distinctive pedigree. Every student at the school is required to take at
least two years of the language, so figure that Noble Street will be
channeling about 100+ students into our second-year programs every year
(slava bogu!). What's more, Noble Street receives an inordinate amount of
national attention (it's a charter school in Chicago, so anyone who knows
about public education there knows the level of interest these schools
command). No doubt their decision to teach ONLY Russian & require it of
their students will get the attention of educators and the broader public --
and any positive media exposure for us is a boon.

I think, as a profession, we need to support this program and encourage
others like it. Talk it up with your colleagues, and anyone with connections
to secondary school should point to it as a model. Let's democratize the
study of Russian!

I encourage advisors out there with ABDs or recent graduates to suggest this
job to their advisees -- it's a really engaging opportunity for someone with
talent, intelligence, and energy. The pay is excellent (significantly better
than just about any entry level universtiy job), and the school is located
just west of the loop in Chicago -- a very happening, "in" area.

Michael A. Denner
Stetson University

-----Original Message-----
From: Slavic & East European Languages and Literature list
[mailto:SEELANGS at LISTSERV.CUNY.EDU]On Behalf Of Andrew Hicks
Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 12:29 PM
Subject: Re: job announcement

Dear Seelangers:

    Far more exciting than this job posting, however "excellent" the salary
be, is the fact that this school has chosen Russian as the language that
student must take.  It might be interesting for ACTR or AATSEEL to interview
relevant officials to see why they picked Russian from all the other
contenders out there.

Jenny Kaminer wrote:

> I don't know, maybe this would be okay.
> Jenny
> >If interested in this position teaching Russian at a Chicago charter high
> >school, please reply off-list to Michael Milkie (info below).
> >
> >-- Elizabeth Yellen
> >
> >Noble Street Charter School is an exciting, high profile high school in
> >Chicago serving mostly low-income students.  We opened three years ago
> >have chosen Russian as the world language that all students will take.
> >need great teachers to build the program. Long hours, but excellent
> >and terrific kids.  Fax resume to Michael Milkie, principal at (773)
> >278-0421 or e-mail to noble1010 at Questions? Call Mr. Milkie at
> >862-1449.
> >
> >
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