Upcoming International Shalamov Conference

Laura Kline klinela at PROVIDE.NET
Tue May 7 18:22:13 UTC 2002

Notice from the Organizational Committee of the Fifth International Shalamovskie Chteniya.


The Fifth International Shalamovskie Chteniya, dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of V. T. Shalamov, will be held in the writer's hometown, Vologda, Russia, from June 17-19, 2002. 


Those interested in participating should contact Marina Vorono of the Shalamov Museum with paper topics. Address: 160035, g. Vologda, Kremlevskaya po., 3. Faks: (8172) 72-12-65. E-mail: shalamov at cultinfo.ru, cultinfo at cmail.ru.


Official invitations will be sent out after receipt of intention to participate. 


Participants will be met at the train station in Vologda and hotel reservations will be made for them. Unfortunately, the organizational committee is unable to financially support participants during their stay in Vologda during the Chteniya. 

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