translation query

Daniel Collins collins.232 at OSU.EDU
Thu May 9 22:00:09 UTC 2002

>To me, "pribabakhnutyi" would mean "slegka sumashedshii" (not wildly crazy,
>but "so strannostyami", "slegka vyzhivshii iz uma"): "Posle etogo sluchaya
>on hodil slegka pribabahnutyi".
>So,"pribabakhi" could mean "strannosti v povedenii", deviance, whims, "mukhi
v golove" etc.

This chimes exactly with the definitions given in Bol'shoi tolkovyi
slovar' russkogo iazyka (SPg 2000):

pribabakh: s pribabakhom kto-nibud'.  Razg.-snizh.  So strannostiami,
otkloneniiami v povedenii, rassuzhdeniiakh i t. p. (o cheloveke).
On--paren' so pribabakhom.

pribabkhnutyi 1. Razg.-snizh. Pristuknutyi, pridavlennyi; ubytyi.  2.
Proiavliaiushchii strannosti, s prichudami v povedenii (o cheloveke).

Daniel E. Collins, Chair
Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Literatures
The Ohio State University
232 Cunz Hall
1841 Millikin Road
Columbus, OH 43210-1215

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