commercial course management software and Russian

Lynne deBenedette Lynne_deBenedette at BROWN.EDU
Mon May 13 22:43:04 UTC 2002


Are any seelangers teaching Russian on campuses that use commercially 
available course management software like Blackboard or WebCT?  If 
so, have you been able to use the software?  Brown is considering 
purchasing one of these, and I'd like to find out what others' 
experiences have been.

You can reply to me offlist at
lynne_debenedette at
and I'll summarize responses and post them to the list.

Thanks for any advice you can give...

Lynne deB.

Lynne deBenedette
Senior Lecturer in Russian
Brown University
Department of Slavic Languages
Box E, 20 Manning Walk
Providence, RI 02912

Office hours Spring 2002 Tue 2.30-4.00; Wed 3.30-5.00
tel: 401-863-7572
     401-863-2689 (dept. office)
fax: 401-863-7330
email: lynne_debenedette at

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