academic libraries moscow

E. Rutten E.Rutten at LET.RUG.NL
Tue May 14 13:01:25 UTC 2002

Could someone tell me what academic libraries there are in
Moscow besides the Lenin Library and the Academic Library of the
MGU? I am planning to go to Moscow next August for library
research (my research field: Russian 19th/20th-century literature),
but both the Lenin and the MGU library are closed at that time. If
anybody knows a good alternative...
Thanks in advance!
Ellen Rutten

Ellen Rutten
University of Groningen
Slavic Department
Oude Kijk in 't Jatstraat 26
9712 EK Groningen
Tel. + 31 50 3636029 (w)
Tel. + 31 50 5773501 (h)
Fax  + 31 50 3635821

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