Language schools in St. Petersburg and Moscow

Alexander Ogden ogdenj at GWM.SC.EDU
Thu May 23 18:38:16 UTC 2002

Dear colleages,

A motivated student currently teaching English in Russia is looking for an
intensive fall-semester program in Russia that will help him improve his
Russian as quickly as possible.  He has a generous scholarship, so money is
not a key factor.  Any suggestions (off-list) much appreciated.

The student has asked in particular about Liden and Denz Language Centre
(SPb--discussed briefly on this list last month), Russian Fun Club (SPb),
Russian Village (Moscow), and Moscow Linguistic Center (Moscow).

Many thanks,
Alex Ogden

Dr. J. Alexander Ogden
Assistant Professor of Russian
Graduate Director, Program in Comparative Literature
Humanities Office Bldg, 9th floor
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208
(803) 777-9573; fax: (803) 777-0132

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