Russ lit books

CSperrle at CSperrle at
Thu May 23 19:48:34 UTC 2002

Dear Colleagues,

While preparing my Russian collection for shipping, I found more items I
think I can do without in the "old country." SEELANGS forbids the mentioning
of prices (I apologize for transgressions in earlier postings). If anybody is
interested in buying any of these items (there are more) send e-mail OFF-LIST

CSperrle at for complete list, descriptions and prices.


1. L.N. Tolstoi v portretakh, illiustratsiiakh, dokumentakh.

2. Kuznetsova, A.I. Efremova, T.F. Slovar' morfem russkogo iazyka.

3. Bielfeldt, H.H., ed. Ruecklaeufiges Woerterbuch der Russischen Sprache der

4. Kunin, A.V., ed. Anglo-russkii frazeologicheskii slovar'

5. Chizhevska, Tatjana. Glossary of the Igor' Tale. The Hague: Mouton, 1966.

6. Dostoevsky, Fyodor. The Notebooks for Crime and Punishment.

7. Brodskii, Iosif. Izbrannoe. Moscow-Paris-NY: Tret'ia volna, 1993; 295pp.
(HC, no dj, new, no marks; $17)

8. Mandel'stam, Osip.Sobranie sochinenii v dvukh tomakh. Ed. G. P. Struve, B.

9. Zoshchenko, Mikhail. Vozvrashchennaia molodost', Golubaia kniga, Pered
voskhodom solntsa.

10. Gor'kii i sovetskie pisateli: Neizdannaia perepiska. Literaturnoe
nasledstvo Vol 70.

11. I.S. Turgenev: Novye materialy i issledovaniia. Literaturnoe nasledstvo
Vol 76.

12. Chekhov. Literaturnoe nasledstvo Vol 68.

13. Izbornik Sviatoslava 1073g. Sbornik statei.

14. Vysotskii, S.A. Srednevekovye nadpisi Sofii Kievskoi (po materialam
graffiti XI-XVII vv.).

15. Stender-Petersen, Ad. Varangica. Aarhus, 1953; 262p.

16. Aladashvili, N.A. Monumental'naia skulptura Gruzii: Figurnye rel'efy V-IX
vekov. Moskva: Iskusstvo, 1977

17. Mezhdunarodnyj sbornik revoliutsionnykh pesen. Moscow:

18. A Pictorial Biography of Bulgakov. Bulgakov-fotobiografiia. Ed. Ellendea

19. Russkye narodnye skazki. Risunki I.A. Bilibina. Moscow: Terra, 1992; 96p.

20. Pushkin, A. Motsart i  Sal'eri. Facsimile ed of book published in 1917
with drawings by Mikhail Vrubel, design by Sergei Chekhonin.

21. Okudzhava, Bulat. Songs Vol 2. Pesni tom II. Ed. V. Frumkin. Ardis, 1986

22. Okudzhava, Bulat. Pokhozhdeniia Shipova ili starinnyi vodevil'. Istinnoe

23. Vladimir Vysotsky Songbook. Pesni Vladimira Vysotskogo.

24. Mariengof, Anatolii. Roman bez bran'ia. Tsiniki. Moi vek. Moia molodost'.

25. Shwarts, Evgennii. Obyknovennoe chudo. P'esy. Lenizdat, 1992.

26. Griboedov, A.S. Gore ot uma.

27. Saltykov-Shchedrin, M. Gospoda Golovlevy. Skazki.

28. Pisemskii. One Thousand Souls (PB; $9)

29. Pil'niak, Boris. Golyi god. Rarity Reprints No. 3.

30. Gladkov. Cement. (PB, $7)

31. Remizov, A.M. Uzly i zakruty. Povesti.

32. Olga Ivinskaia. A Captive of Time: My Years with Pasternack.

33. Terts, Abram (Andrei Siniavskii). Progulki s Pushkinym. St. Peterburg:

34. Solzhenitsyn, Alexander. Prussian Nights. A Poem. Tr. Robert Conquest.

35. Solzhenitsyn, Alexander. Warning to the West. NY: Farrar, Straus and
Giroux, 1976.

36. Solzhenitsyn, Alexander. The Love-Girl and the Innocent. A Play.

37. Chukovskaia, Lydia. The Deserted House. Tr. Aline Werth. NY: Dutton, 1969

38. Bitov, Andrei. Pushkin House.

39. Dovlatov, Sergei. Remeslo: Povest' v dvukh chastiakh. Ardis, 1985

40. Tolstaia, Tatyana. On the Golden Porch. Tr. Antonina W. Bouis. NY: Knopf,

41. Panova, Vera. Selected Works (The Train, Valya, Volodya, Seryozha).
Illustrated by Tatyana Tolstoya (!!??).

42. Iz-pod glyb: Sbornik statei. YMCA-Press, 1974.

43. Yevtushenko, Yevgeny. Wild Berries. A Novel.

44. Lisnianskaia, Inna. Posle vsego. St. Petersburg: Pushkinskii Fond, 1994

45. Znamenskaia, Irina. Glaz vopiiushchego. St. Petersburg: Atheneum, 1997

46. Slonim, Mark. From Chekhov to the Revolution: Russ lit 1900-1917.

47. Pipes, Richard. The Russian Revolution. NY: Knopf, 1990. 946pp.

48. Pipes, Richard. Three "Whys" of the Russian Revolution. NY: Vintage, 1995

49. The Great Purge Trial. Ed with notes Robert Tucker, Stephen Cohen.

50. Venturi, Franco. Roots of Revolution: A History of the Populist and
Socialist Movements in 19th cent Russia. Intro Isaiah Berlin.

51. Vsenoshchnoe bdenie. Liturgiia. St. Petersburg, 1993

52. Norvich, John Julius. A Short History of Byzantium. NY: Vintage, 1999.

53. The Dictionary of Global Culture. Kwame Anthony Appiah, Henry Louis
Gates, Jr., eds.

54. The 64-Square Looking Glass. The Great Game of Chess in World Literature.

55. Trotsky, Leon. Literature and Revolution. NY: Russell & Russell, 1957

56. Mead, Margaret. Soviet Attitudes Towards Authority. Tavistock
Publications, 1955.

57. Williams, Robert C. Culture in exile: Russian emigres in Germany

58. Confino, Michael, ed. Daughter of a revolutionary; Natalie Herzen and the
Bakunin-Nechayev circle.

59. Satter, David. Age of Delirium: The Decline and Fall of the Soviet Union.

60. Prawdin, Michael. The Unmentionable Nechaev: A Key to Bolshevism.

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