Kashubian matica?

Floris van Nierop floris.vannierop at HUM.UVA.NL
Thu May 23 20:08:26 UTC 2002


As part of my research on the Serb and Croatian national movements in the
nineteenth century, I am currently looking into the cultural institutions
known as 'maticas'. More specifically, I am trying to establish to what
extent the nineteenth-century maticas can be considered as
essentially 'Habsburg-Slav' institutions (albeit in some cases, most
notably the Serb and Galician ones, of obvious trans-border and potentially
irredentist importance). So far, I have come across two non-Habsburg
maticas: the Sorbian and the Kashubian ones. The only reference to the
Kashubian matica I have found is a brief mention in Norman
Davies' 'Europe', so I would be very interested to hear if anyone has
further reading suggestions on this topic. Many thanks in advance for your

Kind regards,
Floris van Nierop

Floris van Nierop, Ph.D. student
Institute for Culture and History
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
floris.vannierop at hum.uva.nl

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