Two Queries Related to Georgia

Nora Favorov norafavorov at EARTHLINK.NET
Sat May 25 18:56:31 UTC 2002

Dear SEELANGers,
I am working on a translation related to St. Shushanik and the events
surrounding her martydom.  I have two requests:
1.  There is a little bit of Georgian transliterated into Cyrillic in the
text.  Not knowing the conventions of Russian to Georgian or Georgian to
English transliteration, I'm not sure I have this right (in fact, I'm
stabbing in the dark).  Please let me know:

Эрти, ори, сами... Сад арис меоткхе?  Сад арис?
Erti, ori, sami…Sahd arees meotkhe Sahd arees?
One, two, three... Where is the fourth?

2. Is it true that the name for Hereti (eastern Georgia)--where Shushanik
(5th C) resisted pressure from her husband and his Persian overlords to
renounce Christianity--is etymologicallly tied to the word "heretic"?
Here's what Webster's Unabridged says:  Etymology: Middle English eretik,
heretik, from Middle French eretique, heretique, adjective & noun, from Late
Latin haereticus, from Late Greek hairetikos, from Greek, able to choose,
from hairetos (verbal of hairein to take, haireisthai to choose) + -ikos -ic

I have done the usual internet searches and found some discussion of this
possibility, but am interested in a scholarly opinion.

Thanks in advance!
Nora Favorov

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