Yiddish question: "sudenyu"

Robert A. Rothstein rar at SLAVIC.UMASS.EDU
Sun Mar 2 17:21:00 UTC 2003

Laura Kline wrote:

> Dear All,
> Does anyone happen to know the etymology of the Yiddish word for
> "sudenyu?"

        The word _sudenyu_ is a diminutive of the Yiddish word _sude_
(feast), which comes from the post-Biblical Hebrew word for feast,
(sof-ayin-vov-daled-hey), probably derived from a root meaning "support,

sustain."  The suffix _-enyu_ (cf. _gotenyu_ 'dear God', _zunenyu_ 'my
son', etc.) is one of many Slavic contributions to Yiddish.
        _Sudenyu_ appears prominently in a cumulative
folksong, "Vos vet zayn az meshiakh vet kumen?" (What Will Happen When
Messiah Comes?), in which the rabbi (addressed as "rebenyu") answers
when the Messiah comes, "we will have a feast."

        Bob Rothstein

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