The end of "White Russia" saga?

Uladzimir Katkouski uladzik at MAILBOX.HU
Sun Mar 2 23:13:01 UTC 2003

Dear SEELANGers,

You might remember that several weeks ago I asked to help me with
editing this article:

First of all, big thanks to everyone who answered. Second, I am happy to
announce that the author of the book "The Chronicle of White Russia"
sent me two of his articles, dealing with the same subject:

- (as the editor of the
magazine said, this is the best summary of Belarus' history which could
fit on five pages);
- ("The Chronicle of White
Russia" -- the book summary, written by the author himself);

I hope this will be the end of "White Russia" saga on SEELANGS & on my
site, and now all the questions are answered. But if you have any tips,
corrections, or suggestions, I will be very thankful for your feedback!
And I hope I'm not becoming bothersome with these announcements and
requests. In any case, my apologies to those, who don't find this
relevant or interesting.

Kind regards,

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