a small Russian program seeks advice

Francoise Rosset frosset at WHEATONMA.EDU
Mon Mar 3 20:33:43 UTC 2003

>I am a one and a half person Russian department.
So are we; the total enrollment of the college is about 1400.

>six students in first year Russian, two of
>who (maybe three) will continue.
we had ten in the first semester, nine in the second
(I had to fail someone).
About three may go on to second year, and we typically get one
or two "freshpeople" who come straight into second year, so that
second year has anywhere from three to six people in it.
We teach one course a semester at the advanced level, and ANYONE
past second year takes it together, regardless of their preparation.
>I'd like to have some sense where my
>program falls among similar programs. And if you are faring better,
>what is the magic touch? (Our student body is 1800 souls).

I don't think it's out of line at all, inasmuch as only few such
programs are left after the blood-letting of the past years.
I am firmly convinced there is no single magic touch, but you have to
be constantly recruiting and encouraging students, providing events,
etc etc.
Our administration is exceptionally supportive (eight languages are
taught here including Latin and Greek), we get extra support from Russian
Poli.sci. and Russian History, we have an interdisciplinary Russian major
... there is no doubt that the administration would like higher enrollments
but it does not threaten us. We have high enrollments in our English-
language courses (52 people in Russian Folklore helps) and 2-5 majors
graduating a year.

As Gwen Palace points out, the situation is much harder at the
High School level.

Best of luck,

Francoise Rosset, Russian and Russian Studies
Wheaton College
Norton, Massachusetts 02766
phone:  (508) 286-3696
fax:    (508) 286-3640
e-mail: frosset at wheatonma.edu

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