Meaning of sutki

Timothy D. Sergay tsergay at COLUMBUS.RR.COM
Tue Mar 4 18:33:09 UTC 2003

This "nykhthemeron" sense, the inclusion of the daytime and nighttime
segments, is confirmed by the pogovorka included in Ushakov's definition of
SUTKI: "Den' da noch' -- sutki proch'."

--Tim Sergay

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nancy Condee" <condee at PITT.EDU>
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 1:27 PM
Subject: Re: [SEELANGS] Meaning of sutki

> The equivalent of _sutki_ (in terms of semantics, not stylistics) is
> nychthemeron (noun); pronunciation: [nik-'the-me-ren].
> I'm not suggesting you use it; I'm just taking the opportunity to do so
> myself, since I have waited for years to use it and probably will never
> a better chance than this.  Perhaps I should get out more.
> Definition: A 24-hour period, comprising a nighttime and daylight segment.
> Etymology: Greek adjective nykhthemeron neuter of nykhthemeros "lasting
> a night and a day" from nykh, nykt- "night" and (h)emera "day" (nyktas te
> kai emar "by night and day"). The PIE root for "night" is negw-t- or
> "night," appearing in Russian noch', Latin nox, noctis, and German Nacht.
> Underlying stem is probably negw- "dark" found in Latin niger "black" and
> Italian "negro." This root also appears in "denigrate."
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Slavic & East European Languages and Literature list
> [mailto:SEELANGS at LISTSERV.CUNY.EDU]On Behalf Of Paul B. Gallagher
> Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 10:19 AM
> Subject: [SEELANGS] Meaning of sutki
> Dear Russophiles,
> I've already posted this query to a translators' list and gotten quite
> the interesting discussion. So I thought I'd ask the academics for their
> perspective...
> In translating the following bit out of the RF Administrative Law Code
> (Кодекс об административных правонарушениях):
>         Протокол об административном правонарушении составляется
>         немедленно после выявления совершения административного
>         правонарушения. В случае, если требуется дополнительное
>         выяснение обстоятельств дела либо данных о физическом
>         лице или сведений о юридическом лице, в отношении которых
>         возбуждается дело об административном правонарушении,
>         протокол об административном правонарушении составляется
>         в течение двух ***суток*** с момента выявления
>         административного правонарушения.
> Should I take the deadline as two calendar days (два дня), or 48 hours
> on the clock? In other words, is there a significant difference between
> одни сутки and один день?
> Additional background:
> In the 27,000-word excerpt I have to translate, there are 38 instances
> of день/дня/дней (whole words only) and 15 of сутки/сутков (whole words
> only), so this is not an issue of bureaucratic style permitting one form
> and not the other. And we should probably assume multiple authors and
> multiple revisions of the Code.
> Values used with "сутки" range from one, two, or three up to 15 or 30.
> Certainly I will not attempt to render "тридцать суток" as "720 hours,"
> but with values from one to three, 24-72 hours seems like a plausible
> option. What say you?
> --
> War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
> --
> Paul B. Gallagher
> pbg translations, inc.
> "Russian Translations That Read Like Originals"
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