SEEJ Call for Submissions

gerald janecek gjanecek at UKY.EDU
Tue Mar 4 21:28:26 UTC 2003

Dear Colleagues,

SEEJ continues to come out on its catch-up schedule, with 46.3 and
46.4 (Fall and Winter, 2002) already in proof and compositing stage,
respectively.  We have now exhausted our backlog of accepted articles
and are placing newly accepted articles in 47.1 (Spring 2003), which
will be out in September.

We are therefore seeking new submissions and welcome the submission
of your latest scholarship for consideration by the journal.
Articles with b/w illustrations are not only welcome, but encouraged.
Guidelines for the preparation of manuscripts are available at our

Jerry Janecek
Editor, Slavic & East European Journal

Gerald J. Janecek, Professor             Phone: 859-257-3761
Editor, Slavic & East European Journal     E-mail: gjanecek at
Division of Russian & Eastern Studies
Dept. of Modern & Classical Languages,
Literatures and Cultures                Fax: 859-257-3743
University of Kentucky                          SEEJ phone: 859-257-9854
Lexington, KY 40506

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