Did Stalin really say so?

Sylvia Swift madonna at SOCRATES.BERKELEY.EDU
Tue Mar 11 01:46:11 UTC 2003

a lexis-nexis quotation search will bring up the following:

>Copyright 1983 Gerald F. Lieberman
>3,500 Good Quotes for Speakers
>LENGTH: 11 words
>SOURCE: Joseph Stalin
>A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.

a google search for the aphorism itself as a string brings up 1210
sites, including one for a documentary i'm really sorry i missed
(http://www.gulag.hu/bien/gzb_eng2.htm), but whatever hints they hold
about the source of the original did not offer themselves up to my
cursory look.

"i never said most of the things i said."  -- yogi berra

sylvia swift
madonna at socrates.berkeley.edu

>Dear Colleagues,
>Could anybody tell me whether it is right to attribute the saying gA
>single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistich to Stalin?


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