[SEELANGS] translation of îôèöèîç

gadassov gadassov at IFRANCE.COM
Thu Mar 13 16:58:57 UTC 2003

le 13/03/03 7:24, Kirill Sereda à kvsereda at WORLDNET.ATT.NET a écrit :

> Ofitsiozny is not "unofficial," it means "supporting the official line, often
> in the disguise of an unofficial media outlet."
> Kirill Sereda

Официозный comes from French: "officieux", and the strict meaning is "not
Официальный, from French "officiel", = official
Официозный, from French "officieux" = unofficial

The definition you are giving looks like that of Ожегов, 1952:
Официозный= "в буржуазных странах: полуофициальный, открыто не связанный с
правительством, но на деле проводящий его точку зрения"
Официоз= "в буржуазных странах:официозный печатный орган"

Of course, at the time it was written, he had to explain what could be some
"unofficial" piece of information!


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