[SEELANGS] translation of ФЩПЪПФН

Alina Israeli aisrael at AMERICAN.EDU
Fri Mar 14 01:52:04 UTC 2003

>le 13/03/03 7:24, Kirill Sereda _+ kvsereda at WORLDNET.ATT.NET a _ccrit-+:
>> Ofitsiozny is not "unofficial," it means "supporting the official line,
>> in the disguise of an unofficial media outlet."
>> Kirill Sereda
>-Ю-Д-Є-Ж-Є-Њ-Ј-љ-Л-є comes from French: "officieux", and the strict
>meaning is "not
>-Ю-Д-Є-Ж-Є-_-ї-М-љ-Л-є, from French "officiel", = official
>-Ю-Д-Є-Ж-Є-Њ-Ј-љ-Л-є, from French "officieux" = unofficial

Well, this is a case of a borrowing gone "wrong" or at least sideways. It
often happens. "Vinegret" in Russian is a salad, not a sauce "vinaigrette"
and the list of such case is quite long and traitorous. There is even a
book on "faux amis" (I keep it under my pillow), "oficioz" is just one of
those diverging cases.

Alina Israeli
LFS, American University
4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20016

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