Query: Study pen for scanning cyrillic

jschill jschill at AMERICAN.EDU
Fri Mar 14 05:48:08 UTC 2003

I've received a brochure from the Study Pen company in Reston, VA which
advertises a scanning pen for both PC's and Macs that is the size of a
highlighter, has a digital scanner, processor, and memory components
that transfer text directly to the PC--and stores up to 2000 pages of
text.  The pen is cordless, can scan over 15 languages--including
Russian --and various models with increasingly expanded features range
from $99 to $219.

    This would seem to be a marvelous tool for working in archives where
photocopying can be quite expensive, but...has any SEELANGER used one of
these with success?  With a Macintosh?


John Schillinger

Dept. of Language and Foreign Studies

American University

4400 Massachusetts Ave., Washington DC 20016-8045

Ph. (Off) 202/885-2398

Fax (Off) 202/885-1076

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