
gadassov gadassov at IFRANCE.COM
Fri Mar 14 11:03:05 UTC 2003

le 14/03/03 11:19, Edil Legno à peitlova at TISCALINET.IT a écrit :

> DICTIONARY Geoffrey Hutchings gives under
> officious - in second meaning - oficioznyj .
> and  under n.officiousness - in second meaning-oficioz.
> Значит  существ.-официоз- можно переводить
> как :semi-official organ  or  officious organ.

You are right, "officious", as a second meaning = informal, unofficial.
официозный = officieux = officious (=ufficioso)
официальный= officiel = official (=ufficiale)
and  официоз = officious (or unofficial) organ.

We are dealing with latine roots, and meanings can't be opposite, even with
language evolution!


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