Any of you NOT in academia?

Palace, Gwendolyn Palacgw at TULSASCHOOLS.ORG
Fri Mar 14 20:38:02 UTC 2003

I teach high school Russian language levels 1 through 6 in an IB magnet
urban high school.  My enrollment has been steady at 30 over the past 6
years. But do to budgetary constraints our Russian program is in danger

I am trying to compile  information for a slick brochure that outlines real
careers people have found using Russian .  I would like to connect real
names with specific job titles and companies  not just generalities such as
"several have found jobs with NGO's, some in the entertainment field,

Can any one respond with names and job titles and company names?  Thank you.

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Gwen Palace
Russian Language / World History
Booker T. Washington High School
1631 E. Woodrow Place
Tulsa, OK  74106

 -----Original Message-----
From:   Katie Janicka [mailto:kjanicka at BRYNMAWR.EDU]
Sent:   Friday, March 14, 2003 2:07 PM
Subject:        Re: [SEELANGS] Any of you NOT in academia?

Dear Seelangers,

I would like to thank all who replied on and off list
to the question that has been bothering me for quite
some time "How to survive with a degree in Russian?"

It is especially helpful to read how people got the
jobs outside of academia.


Katie Janicka
Russian Department
Bryn Mawr College

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