Tsypkin's "Leto v Badene"

Judith E Kalb kalbj at GWM.SC.EDU
Fri Mar 14 22:30:36 UTC 2003

Does anyone know about the publication history of Tsypkin's "Leto v Badene"
in Russia? I've seen listings of a 1999 Moscow edition, but haven't seen
it, and a later article (2002) suggests that a first Russian edition (in
Russia) is still forthcoming.  Please reply off-list to jkalb at sc.edu--many
Judith Kalb

Dr. Judith E. Kalb
Assistant Professor of Russian and Comparative Literature
Director of the Russian Program
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208
phone: (803) 777-9615
e-mail: jkalb at sc.edu

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