Any of you NOT..

Edil Legno peitlova at TISCALINET.IT
Sat Mar 15 10:56:19 UTC 2003

My story will be a little bit different from those  so called "west Europe and America "areas.I'm born and grew up in Czechoslovakia and decided to follow special  study program offered  and  supplied by Government - and left for Soviet Union
where we (19  students  from Czechoslovakia x course)lived and studied  whole 5 years-university program.Turned  back majority of us have chosen academic jobs (teaching  and cont.studying) and some (men)  have chosen a military -translators career (they were sent to Africa Lybia where at that time Czechoslovakia saled  to Ghaddafy the arms and military technology.Maybe you know that Russian (at that time)as a language was largly taught in Czechoslovakia,Hungary, Germany,Poland,Mongolia,Bulgury,Cuba  = so there was no problem to find a job (interprete,translator,teachers.)After a velvet revolution the situation has changed;  the Russian language has flown away from the schools and  lot of teachers  became suddenly ex - teachers.Lot of them became private translators working for a newcoming companies,banks or cont.teaching for less salaries.I 've moved to Italy (3 years before the revolution) interrupting my academic job and now I work for myself (translate and private teaching).Is very difficult to obtain here in Italy some academic job (if you don't know  somebody who help you is simply improbable to work for University) and then they pay badly their teachers.
For sure - my story has  lot of politically forced decision ,but I think that's pretty nice - my life is not boring.
Best wishes
Katarìna Peitlovà,Ph.Dr. 

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