Query: Study pen for scanning cyrillic

Natasha Margulis helternr at EMAIL.UC.EDU
Mon Mar 17 01:57:53 UTC 2003

I highly recommend the CPEN 10 (the latest model) which directly scans text
through the USB to your computer.  It only recognizes printed text, and not
handwriting, but is well worth the investment - a great time saver!  I am
using a PC, so I cannot say how well it works for a Mac, but I have only had
to make a small number of corrections to the scanned text in English,
German, French, Russian, Serbian, and Croatian.  The other models, where you
can save the text into the memory of the pen itself, do not have all of the
language capabilities.

It comes with its own mouse pad, and can be used as a mouse as well - you
can even program it to open frequently used files, insert returns, etc.
Check out the website for the info on the cpen itself at www.cpen.com.  I
have recently upgraded my software through the CPen site, but at present it
doesn't seem to be working, but keep checking back.  

I ordered mine through http://www.studypen.com/

Natasha Margulis
History Department
University of Cincinnati

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