SEELANGS Digest - 25 Mar 2003 to 26 Mar 2003 (#2003-88)

Paul Richardson paulr at RISPUBS.COM
Thu Mar 27 13:36:34 UTC 2003

We at Russian Life ran a story on the history of Russian war films, with
some stills, etc., in February 1997, in the same issue as we reviewed the
new Prisoner of the Caucasus movie. Sorry, article not available online, but
back issues are available:

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Good luck with the course.

Paul Richardson

> Date:    Wed, 26 Mar 2003 15:36:02 -0800
> From:    Jonathan Gray <jflgray at PACBELL.NET>
> Subject: Russian war films
> I am soliciting recommendations of Russian films about the 
> Second World War.  Would like to include in a course on 
> Russian civilization.  Much thanks.
> --------------------------------------------------------------
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