Please can anyone help with puzzling Slavic words

Joy and Karl Stapleton joyandkarl at BLUEYONDER.CO.UK
Mon Mar 31 10:41:39 UTC 2003

Please can anyone assist me with a few puzzling Slavic folksong titles.
They were obtained from a nineteenth-century Czech source that I'm working
on. The source may not be quite accurate in grammar or spelling. I've
scoured various dictionaries and consulted various speakers and have come
to a dead end!

The problems are (given in Latin 2 font, followed by Latin 1 description):

Described as Russian, given by the Czech source as:
    'Oj nechody Hr=FDcu'

     'Oj nechody Hr-[long y]-cu'

Described as Sorbian (Wendish):
    '=A9=B3o tu m=B3odu hol=E8u debuje'
    'S[hacek]-[dark l]-o  tu m-[dark l]-odu holc[hacek]u  debuje'

Described in the Czech source as Croatian:
    'Strun-[long a]-m'

If anyone can mail a solution to any of these I would be very

Karl Stapleton

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