Please can anyone help with puzzling Slavic words

Natalia Pylypiuk natalia.pylypiuk at UALBERTA.CA
Mon Mar 31 14:51:38 UTC 2003

Mr. Stapleton,

>Please can anyone assist me with a few puzzling Slavic folksong titles.
>They were obtained from a nineteenth-century Czech source that I'm working
>on. The source may not be quite accurate in grammar or spelling. I've
>scoured various dictionaries and consulted various speakers and have come
>to a dead end!
>The problems are (given in Latin 2 font, followed by Latin 1 description):
>Described as Russian, given by the Czech source as:
>     'Oj nechody Hr=FDcu'
>      'Oj nechody Hr-[long y]-cu'

Oj, ne xody, Hrycju...  (according to International Academic standard
of transliteration)
Oi, ne khody, Hrytsiu  (according to Library of Congress standard of

is NOT a Russian folksong, but a Ukrainian one.

Hryc' (Hryts') is the diminutive form of the name Hryhorij.

If you need more information, I can write offline.

N. Pylypiuk

||||  Dr. Natalia Pylypiuk, Associate Professor and
||||  Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies
||||  Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
||||  200 Arts, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada T6G 2E6

||||  voice mail: (780) 492-3498,
||||  President of the Canadian Association of Slavists

||||  Dr. Natalia Pylypiuk, Associate Professor and
||||  Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies
||||  Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
||||  200 Arts, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada T6G 2E6

||||  voice mail: (780) 492-3498,

||||  President of the Canadian Association of Slavists

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