SEELANGS Digest - 4 Apr 2004 to 5 Apr 2004 (#2004-97)

Renee Stillings | Alinga renee at ALINGA.COM
Tue Apr 6 17:07:12 UTC 2004

There is also a camp at Lake Baikal - this year two sessions - July 10 and
July 20 - each for 10 days. It is run by the Leonov private school in
Irkutsk. We have sent students to help teaching English there in past years
and possibly a few will go this year also to work with the kids. In terms of
location for camps in Russia, it is fantastic. On the "Maloye more" by
Olkhon Island. While I don't know that other non-Russian kids have joined
this yet, we have been told in the past it is certainly open to that
possibility. Ages around 10-12 I think.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Richardson" <paulr at RISPUBS.COM>
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 8:07 AM
Subject: Re: [SEELANGS] SEELANGS Digest - 4 Apr 2004 to 5 Apr 2004

> Our magazine, Russian Life, ran a feature on this in our Jan/Feb 04 issue,
> with listings. I believe all I have seen mentioned on the list were in the
> article. If you don't subscribe, the issue can be ordered at:
> Paul Richardson
> On 4/6/04 12:00 AM, "Automatic digest processor"
> > Date:    Mon, 5 Apr 2004 10:03:41 -0700
> > From:    Teresa Polowy <tpolowy at U.ARIZONA.EDU>
> > Subject: Russian Summer Camps for Children
> >
> > Hello,
> > Does anyone know of any Russian summer camps for children anywhere in =
> > the country? I have in mind children who are native speakers (but are =
> > losing their Russian in the US) and children who are heritage speakers.
> > Please let me know of anything you might have heard about.
> >
> > Teresa Polowy
> > Associate Professor of Russia
> > Departmental Graduate Advisor
> > University of Arizona
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