information needed

Renee Stillings | Alinga renee at ALINGA.COM
Fri Apr 16 14:09:14 UTC 2004

Here is information about a volunteer project your students (or others) may
be interested in. I know this organization well and they really are working
hard to make a difference in Russia. The orphanage referenced here is in the
Leningradskaya oblast, I believe.


Miramed Institute ( is looking for volunteers to work on 4-8
week (July and August) programs in a rural Russian orphanage. Specifically,
they are looking for:
  a.. ESL teachers
  b.. Artists
  c.. Social workers
  d.. Musicians
  e.. Arts/crafts instructors
  f.. Enterprising individuals (to help run a crafts booth)
Cost for a one-month stay is $1700 and for 2 months - $2000. This includes
roundtrip airfare from East or West coast (US), all domestic Russia travel,
all room and board at the orphanage, and reimbursement of visa costs.

To read more about this opportunity go to

Interested candidates should contact MiraMed directly at program at
as soon as possible.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jane Costlow" <jcostlow at BATES.EDU>
Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2004 2:51 PM
Subject: [SEELANGS] information needed

> Colleagues,
> Two young men in my second year Russian class are interested in finding
> out about volunteer opportunities in St. Petersburg this summer.  Can
> anyone suggest a reliable base of information?
> Jane Costlow
> jcostlow at
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