experience with Ruscico

Jane A. Taubman jataubman at AMHERST.EDU
Mon Apr 19 16:18:40 UTC 2004

I get their direct announcements, but I buy their DVD's from rbcmp3.com
(or rbcvideo.com).  Their prices are very good, and the service is
super-- two-day UPS free delivery.  Check the website for a separate
page of available Ruscico DVDs.
    The DVD's themselves are very good quality, most with subtitles
available in up to 12 languages, including Russian, a feature which
makes them very useful for advanced students and heritage speakers who
need to see how the words they speak and understand are actually
spelled.  They've got a large and still growing collection of  films,
mostly popular comedies and dramas from the 60's through the 80's,  many
films by Mikhalkov and Konchalovsky, and Ptushko "skazki", among other
things.  The packaging and menu, however, are in Russian, so you'd have
to explain to a non-Russian-speaking projectionist or student how to use
it. (it's not hard).  Lately, I've seen some of the films listed, at a
slightly highter price ($29 vs. under $20) at facets.org.   It's
possible those versions have English menus--I  haven't tried any.

Benjamin Rifkin wrote:

> Dear SEELANGers:
> Does anyone have experience with the company Ruscico?
> URL is http://www.ruscico.com/
> Thanks for any feedback.
> With best wishes to all,
> Ben Rifkin
> *************
> Benjamin Rifkin
> Professor of Slavic Languages, UW-Madison
> 1432 Van Hise Hall, 1220 Linden Drive
> Madison, WI 53706 USA
> Voice (608) 262-1623; Fax (608) 265-2814
> http://polyglot.lss.wisc.edu/slavic
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