
Debra Lynne Walker dlwalker at U.WASHINGTON.EDU
Tue Apr 27 06:46:00 UTC 2004

On Friday, April 2, 2004, at 06:59  AM, Cynthia Simmons wrote:

> Boston College seeks fall-semester (2004) replacement for two courses
> in Russian/Comparative literature: "Literature and Revolution," a
> 20th-century Russian literature course (with undergrad and grad
> components), and a "Literature of the World" course with a strong
> Russian-literature focus.  Applicants (Ph.D or ABD) should send CV and
> two letters of recommendation to Prof. Cynthia Simmons, Chair,
> Department of Slavic and Eastern Languages, Lyons Hall 210, Boston
> College, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467.  Application deadline: April 30,
> 2004.
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