Questions on money transfer to Russia

David E. Crawford DavidECrawford at CFL.RR.COM
Tue Feb 3 12:20:38 UTC 2004

Greetings all,

I need to transfer a relatively small amount of rubles to Russia (Kazan) to pay for an ordered document.  

1.  Can anyone recommend a particular transfer service that has provided you good results?

2.  The recipient firm lists the following on their web site, account numbers of some sort;  can anyone tell me what the abbreviations mean?

"ИНН: 1655070709
КПП: 165501001
ОКПО: 13995326
ОКВЭД: 73.10 72.40 72.30
р/счет: 40702810000000002725
к/счет: 30101810900000000767
БИК: 049209767 АКБ ТатИнвестБанк г.Казань"

Thanks in advance.

David E. Crawford
Titusville, Florida
United States of America
28.51N 80.83W

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