Questions on money transfer to Russia

Paul B. Gallagher paulbg at PBG-TRANSLATIONS.COM
Tue Feb 3 15:24:01 UTC 2004

David E. Crawford wrote:

 > Greetings all,
 > I need to transfer a relatively small amount of rubles to Russia
 > (Kazan) to pay for an ordered document.
 > 1.  Can anyone recommend a particular transfer service that has
 > provided you good results?
 > 2.  The recipient firm lists the following on their web site, account
 > numbers of some sort;  can anyone tell me what the abbreviations
 > mean?

Sure. Don't know how much Russian you know, so forgive me if I'm a
little *too* helpful...

 > ИНН: 1655070709
идентификационный номер налогоплательщика (taxpayer identification number)

 > КПП: 165501001
классификатор промышленных предприятий (industrial enterprise classifier

 > ОКПО: 13995326
общероссийский код предприятий и организаций (all-Russian enterprise and
organization code -- a descriptive code)

 > ОКВЭД: 73.10 72.40 72.30
общероссийский коды внешнеэкономической деятельности (all-Russian
foreign trade activity codes -- descriptive codes)

 > р/счет: 40702810000000002725
расчетный счет ("settlement account," kind of like a checking account)

 > к/счет: 30101810900000000767
корреспондентный счет (correspondent account)

 > БИК: 049209767
банковский идентификационный код (bank identification code; similar to a
routing code in the US)

 > АКБ ТатИнвестБанк г.Казань"
This is the name of their bank and its location. АКБ is just акционерный
коммерческий банк (joint-stock commercial bank). The actual name of the
bank is ТатИнвестБанк (TatInvestBank), but you should probably list it
as "AKB TATINVESTBANK" on any forms you fill out. Then г.Казань of
course is "City of Kazan"; you can omit the "city" bit.

The three numbers that are most important, I would think, are the last
three. But check with your financial institution for what they need on
their forms.


War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
pbg translations, inc.
"Russian Translations That Read Like Originals"

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