International Summer Language School

Melissa Frazier mfrazier at MAIL.SLC.EDU
Tue Feb 3 15:58:33 UTC 2004

Dear Seelangers,

A student of mine is interested in studying in Siberia this summer
inexpensively, and particularly in the International Summer Language School
"Cosmopolitan" in Novosibirsk which posted its services on SEELANGS a week
or so ago.  Have any of you had any experience with this school?  Could you
recommend anything else in Siberia?  Some combination of language classes
with volunteering is fine also, in fact the "Cosmopolitan" offers that
option -- money is an issue.

If you have any advice or suggestions for him, please respond directly to
Jonathan Silliman at jsilliman at

Thank you for your help,

Melissa Frazier

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