Texts on Avtorskaya Pesnya, Romansy

Timothy D. Sergay tsergay at COLUMBUS.RR.COM
Thu Feb 5 21:24:18 UTC 2004

Re: seeking secondary sources on avtorskaia pesnia

There is a lot of Russian literature on avtorskaia pesnia. Book-length
studies apart from Novikov's include critic Lev Anninsky's "Bardy" (Moscow:
Soglasie, 1999). The State Cultural Musem of V.S. Vysotsky publishes
almanacs more or less yearly that include studies by no means limited to
Vysotsky; they are titled "Mir Vysotskogo. Issledovaniia i materialy"
(Moscow: GKTsM V.S. Vysotskogo, 1997 and subsequent years; they go at least
up to vypusk 3). Visit the Vysotsky museum at http://www.visotsky.cea.ru for
all kinds of links and sources. There are plenty of CD-ROM and web-based
multimedia sources as well, notably the disk "Grushinskii festival'. 30 let"
(Samara: Mediaassotsiatsiia Estafeta, 1999) and a series of disks on
Vysotsky produced by the Vysotsky musem, starting with "Vladimir Vysotsky.
60-ye gody" (I'm not sure whether 70-ye gody ever came out.) Internet
sources include an incredible repository of MP3s at
http://audio.bard-cafe.komkon.org/; also worth checking out is
http://bards.net.ru/kfti/. A recent overview article on the genre by I.
Sokolova appeared in Voprosy literatury, "Avtorskaya pesnia: Ot ekzotiki k
utopii" (Vop. lit., Jan. 1, 2002, vol. 001, pp. 139-56).


Tim Sergay

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chuck Arndt" <chuckarndt at YAHOO.COM>
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 1:42 PM
Subject: Re: [SEELANGS] Texts on Avtorskaya Pesnya, Romansy

> Dear SEELANGers:
> I am interested in composing an upper-level course on
> Russian Avtorskaya pesnya (bardy) and romansy.

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