(Russian) Cinema After Communism Conference at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Lilya Kaganovsky lilya at UIUC.EDU
Wed Feb 11 21:07:40 UTC 2004

The Russian, East European and Eurasian Center, in conjunction with the 
Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, at the University of 
Illinois presents

(Russian) Cinema after Communism
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
February 27-28, 2004

For more information see http://www.reec.uiuc.edu/events/annual.html


Friday, February 27
Screening of Alexander Sokurov’s Russian Ark (Russkii kovcheg), 2002
With introduction by Dragan Kujundzic (University of California, Irvine)
Post-screening discussion with conference participants
7:30pm, Boardman’s Art Theatre (126 W. Church, Champaign)

Saturday, February 28
9:00am-5:30pm, 407 Levis Faculty Center
Conference Program
Introductory remarks by Lilya Kaganovsky (University of Illinois, 
Mikhail Iampolski (New York University) “Kairos in Sokurov”
Tony Anemone (The College of William and Mary) “The History of Theater 
or the Theater of History in Sokurov’s Russian Ark”
José Alaniz (University of Washington) “Death and ‘Nature’ in Sokurov’s 
Mother and Son”
Roman Timenchik (The Hebrew University, Jerusalem) “Towards the Poetics 
of Khrustalev, My Car!”
Helena Goscilo (University of Pittsburgh) “Re-Conceptualizing Moscow 
Elena Prokhorova (The College of William & Mary) “Nostalgic Exploits: 
Russian Television and Cinema in Search of a New ‘Masterplot’”
Alexander Prokhorov (The College of William & Mary) “The Chronotope of 
Knowledge: The Soviet School Film and Post-Soviet Education as Journey 
in Sergei Solov’ev’s Gentle Age”
Mark Lipovetsky (University of Colorado) “Post-Socialist Realism: 
Balabanov’s Voina”

For more information, please contact

Lynda Y. Park, Assistant Director
Russian, East European, and Eurasian Center
104 International Studies Building, MC-487
910 South Fifth Street
Champaign, IL 61820
(217) 333-6022, 333-1244; fax (217) 333-1582
lypark at uiuc.edu


Lilya Kaganovsky, Assistant Professor
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Program in Comparative Literature & World Literature
Department of Slavic Languages and Literature
Unit for Cinema Studies

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