AP Survey Announcement

Camelot Marshall Marshall at AMERICANCOUNCILS.ORG
Fri Feb 13 22:16:02 UTC 2004

To: Members of ACTR and AATSEEL

Subject: Russian College-Level Faculty Participation Needed in
AP® Russian  Language and Culture

The College Board is developing a curriculum survey focusing on
fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-semester courses in college-level Chinese,
Italian, Japanese, and Russian. The intent of this survey will be to
collect information from college instructors about the content, depth,
and focus of such courses.

Once this online survey is available (around the middle of February) an
invitation will be sent to college-level instructors explaining who
should complete the survey, and a URL will be included in the invitation
to provide a link directly to the survey.

This survey is important to the profession, as it will provide the
College Board with information necessary in the development of AP®
curricula and exams in these languages.

Please watch for the survey announcement and encourage your colleagues
to participate in it.

Camelot Marshall, Ph. D.
Research Specialist, Second Language Acquisition
Curriculum Development and Multimedia
American Councils for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS
1776 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20036

(202) 833-7522
(202) 833-7523 (fax)

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