Russian Teachers of French / Atlanta

Benjamin Rifkin brifkin at WISC.EDU
Tue Feb 17 22:16:00 UTC 2004

Dear SEELANGers:

I have received an appeal from a Professor of French who is trying to 
arrange for accommodations for Russian teachers of French attending the 
conference of the American Association of Teachers of French in Atlanta 
July 19-24, 2004.

Please respond directly to Dr. Black or to Zhanna Arutiunova or 
Aleksandr Prozorov of the Russian Association of Teachers of French at 
jeanne_arou at or prozorov at  I do not know any of 
these individuals and do not know anything about the conference (or 
about teaching French for that matter!)

Thank you.


Ben Rifkin


Dear Dr Rifkin,
I'm writing to you on behalf of friends and colleagues in the Russian 
Association of Teachers of French who wish to attend the joint 
convention of American Association of Teachers of French and the 
Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Français in Atlanta this 

As you certainly must know, very few of these teachers and professors 
from the Russian Federation as well as some of the CIS will be able to 
attend if they must pay conference rates for room and meals.  I though 
it might be mutually advantageous for some of the members of the 
AATSEEL in the Atlanta area to host a native speaker in their homes 
during the week of the 19th to the 24th.

If you think this idea has merit, I'd appreciate it if you could put be 
in contact with the relevant people.  Or you can contact Mme. Jeanna 
Aroutiounova (President) or Mr. Alexander Prozorov (Executive Director) 
directly at jeanne_arou at and prozorov_a at

  Casey Black

"Jamais homme noble ne hait le bon vin" --- Rabelais

Dr. Casey Bjerregaard Black, Coordinator
  Department of Modern Languages and Speech Communications
  Northern State University
  Aberdeen SD 57401
  (605) 626-2404
  (605) 626-2635 (fax)

Benjamin Rifkin
Professor of Slavic Languages, UW-Madison
1432 Van Hise Hall, 1220 Linden Drive
Madison, WI 53706 USA
Voice (608) 262-1623; Fax (608) 265-2814
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