
Elena Gapova e.gapova at WORLDNET.ATT.NET
Wed Feb 18 18:08:29 UTC 2004

Another thing: this is a class issue. Children of affluent or high-status
post-Soviet parents seek very different options in life (definitely not
mafia or prostitution rings), as they are available for them.
The same way as in this country African-American young males view basketball
as a way of upward social mobility (and many end up in very poor physical
and social condition), while middle class head for colleges and


----- Original Message -----
From: VANCHU, ANTHONY J. (JSC-AH) (TTI) <anthony.j.vanchu1 at JSC.NASA.GOV>
Sent: 18 February 2004 9:56 AM
Subject: [SEELANGS] Query

> The query:
> Curious if you happen to have a couple of sources at your fingertips. Some
> time ago, I recall an article or two or more... that discussed Russia's
> youth and their plans for their future. During Soviet time, many were
> motivated and primed to be engineers and cosmonauts (thanks to those space
> spectaculars). Today .. it's more likely that men view gangsters and the
> mafia rating above anything to do in space. Females ... similar. Do you
> a handy source?
> Thanks,
> Tony Vanchu
> Dr. Anthony J. Vanchu
> Director, JSC Language Education Center
> TechTrans International, Inc.
> NASA Johnson Space Center
> Houston, TX
> Phone:  (281) 483-0644
> Fax:  (281) 483-4050
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